Body Positivity

AkShara Singh
2 min readMar 16, 2021

“No one is born ugly, we are just born in a judgemental society” as rightly said by Kim Namjoon, BTS.

In the world of social media where the lives of others look so aesthetically perfect, we unconsciously start comparing ourselves, to them and begin self-doubting, often redeeming ourselves as “ugly”.

What we don’t realize is that we are comparing beautiful pineapples to bananas (or any other fruit of your liking), which is bad.

One response to this feeling of inadequacy is to try to think “ I’m okay as I’m now “ but another way is to put aside, what the world thinks is perfect, and be able to love the parts of yourself as they are.

Body positivity is an act where we start embracing and accepting ourselves, the way we are and loving all our imperfections. To accept every inch of our fabulous bodies, it’s about loving our bodies despite their shapes, size, colour, gender identity.

Rather than indulging in self-hate and loathing our bodies we can develop a positive and healthy relationship with ourselves by taking proper care of our bodies, for example -by exercising, meditating, skincare, having proper supplements, nutrition and pampering it. Also discussing these issues with our family and friends also helps us be more open and accepting.

We should always Appreciate our body for all the things it does for us.

Now, one may wonder, how can we accept the things which we like the least about ourselves, things that they want to hide. Well, that’s where Self Love comes into the picture. The thought of embracing those imperfections is what makes the idea of self-love so difficult. Because everyone wants to paper over their faults and focus on the “lovable” aspects that are cherished by society in general.

Until we accept those darker aspects of ourselves, the shadows among the light, the “self “ we love won’t be our true self but an idealized version. That’s why loving ourselves takes courage We need the courage to face our true self.

Because at the end of the day, the most important thing that matters is staying healthy and happy just the way we are.

